Waterloo.AI and Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology (WIN) are co-hosting an “ AI for Science & Engineering Workshop ” with over 20 speakers sharing highlights on how they are using AI to generate new insights for potential breakthroughs. The talks will range from new materials discovery at micro and nano-scale, unconventional computing and quantum computers to applications for environment,...
Thursday 13 January 2022 by DUFFY Ciara. Last update Thursday 13 January 2022Alexander is following a Biomedical engineering Bachelor degree at the University of Waterloo. He arrived at the University of Bordeaux in May 2019 to complete a 4 month internship at the Laboratory of the Future (LOF). Why did you choose to carry out part of your studies at the University of Bordeaux? I’m currently finishing my last year of studies for a Biomedical Engineering Bachelor’s...
TestimonialsTuesday 13 April 2021 by DUFFY Ciara. Last update Tuesday 31 August 2021I conducted my doctoral studies jointly at the University of Waterloo (UW) and the University of Bordeaux (UBx) between September 2014 and February 2021. My research project focused on the development of methods for sustainability assessment of technologies, and was carried out within the framework of the IDS-FunMat cotutelle program supporting research in physics and chemistry in domains of...
TestimonialsWednesday 21 April 2021 by DUFFY Ciara. Last update Tuesday 31 August 2021